diff --git a/backend/src/queries/currentDelegation.ts b/backend/src/queries/currentDelegation.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..716060df23dad35c9e7ba007d6764e7434517df0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/src/queries/currentDelegation.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+export const getCurrentDelegationQuery: string = `
+    WHEN drep_hash.raw IS NULL THEN NULL
+    ELSE ENCODE(drep_hash.raw, 'hex')
+    END AS drep_raw,
+    drep_hash.view AS drep_view,
+    ENCODE(tx.hash, 'hex')
+    delegation_vote
+    tx ON tx.id = delegation_vote.tx_id
+    drep_hash ON drep_hash.id = delegation_vote.drep_hash_id
+    stake_address ON stake_address.id = delegation_vote.addr_id
+    stake_address.hash_raw = DECODE($1, 'hex')
+    SELECT *
+    FROM delegation_vote AS dv2
+    WHERE dv2.addr_id = delegation_vote.addr_id
+    AND dv2.tx_id > delegation_vote.tx_id
+LIMIT 1;`;
diff --git a/backend/src/queries/drepAddrData.ts b/backend/src/queries/drepAddrData.ts
index a5c92ef52d39f86315ff6bccdec0bfedfefedce7..0beaafca221554a2907895621f8fb32760d7749c 100644
--- a/backend/src/queries/drepAddrData.ts
+++ b/backend/src/queries/drepAddrData.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 export const getDrepAddrData: string = `
-       WITH LatestRegistration AS (
+WITH LatestRegistration AS (
       dr.id AS reg_id, 
diff --git a/backend/src/queries/voterGovActions.ts b/backend/src/queries/voterGovActions.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d8b482e860d676eb6054f6471bd27af05c229a64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/src/queries/voterGovActions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+export const getVoterGovActionsQuery = (
+  queryType: string,
+  itemsPerPage: number,
+  offset?: number,
+) => `
+WITH DelegatedDReps AS (
+    ${
+      queryType === 'stake'
+        ? `
+        SELECT 
+            dh.view AS drep_id
+        FROM 
+            delegation_vote AS dv
+        JOIN 
+            stake_address AS sa ON sa.id = dv.addr_id
+        JOIN 
+            drep_hash AS dh ON dh.id = dv.drep_hash_id
+        WHERE 
+            sa.view = $1
+        GROUP BY
+            dh.view`
+        : queryType === 'drep'
+          ? `WITH LatestRegistration AS (
+            SELECT 
+                dr.drep_hash_id, 
+                tx_out.stake_address_id as stake_addr,
+                ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY dr.drep_hash_id ORDER BY dr.tx_id DESC) AS RegRowNum
+            FROM 
+                drep_registration AS dr
+            LEFT JOIN 
+                tx AS reg_tx ON dr.tx_id = reg_tx.id 
+            LEFT JOIN 
+                tx_out ON reg_tx.id = tx_out.tx_id
+            WHERE 
+                tx_out.stake_address_id IS NOT NULL
+        ),
+        DRepDelegations AS (
+            SELECT DISTINCT
+                dh.view AS original_drep_id,
+                COALESCE(delegated_dh.view, dh.view) AS drep_id
+            FROM 
+                drep_hash AS dh
+            LEFT JOIN 
+                LatestRegistration AS lr ON dh.id = lr.drep_hash_id AND lr.RegRowNum = 1
+            LEFT JOIN 
+                delegation_vote AS dv ON lr.stake_addr = dv.addr_id
+            LEFT JOIN 
+                drep_hash AS delegated_dh ON dv.drep_hash_id = delegated_dh.id
+            WHERE 
+                dh.view = $1
+        )
+        SELECT drep_id
+        FROM DRepDelegations`
+          : `SELECT 
+            dh.view AS drep_id
+        FROM 
+            tx_out AS txo
+        JOIN 
+            stake_address AS sa ON sa.id = txo.stake_address_id
+        JOIN
+            delegation_vote AS dv ON dv.addr_id = sa.id
+        JOIN 
+            drep_hash AS dh ON dh.id = dv.drep_hash_id
+        WHERE 
+            txo.address = $1
+            AND txo.consumed_by_tx_id IS NULL
+        GROUP BY
+            dh.view
+        `
+    }
+GovActions AS (
+        SUBSTRING(CAST(gat.hash AS TEXT) FROM 3) AS gov_action_proposal_id,
+        gap.type,
+        gap.description,
+        vp.vote::text,
+        va.url,
+        ocvd.json AS metadata,
+        b.epoch_no,
+        b.time AS time_voted,
+        encode(vt.hash, 'hex') AS vote_tx_hash,
+        dh.view AS drep_id
+    FROM 
+        voting_procedure vp
+    JOIN 
+        gov_action_proposal gap ON gap.id = vp.gov_action_proposal_id
+    JOIN 
+        drep_hash dh ON dh.id = vp.drep_voter
+        voting_anchor va ON va.id = gap.voting_anchor_id
+        off_chain_vote_data AS ocvd ON ocvd.voting_anchor_id = va.id
+    JOIN 
+        tx gat ON gat.id = gap.tx_id
+    JOIN 
+        tx vt ON vt.id = vp.tx_id
+    JOIN 
+        block b ON b.id = vt.block_id
+    JOIN 
+        DelegatedDReps ddr ON dh.view = ddr.drep_id
+SELECT * FROM GovActions
+ORDER BY time_voted DESC
+LIMIT ${itemsPerPage}
+OFFSET ${offset}
+export const getVoterGovActionsCountQuery = (queryType: string) => `
+WITH DelegatedDReps AS (
+    ${
+      queryType === 'stake'
+        ? `
+        SELECT 
+            dh.view AS drep_id
+        FROM 
+            delegation_vote AS dv
+        JOIN 
+            stake_address AS sa ON sa.id = dv.addr_id
+        JOIN 
+            drep_hash AS dh ON dh.id = dv.drep_hash_id
+        WHERE 
+            sa.view = $1
+        GROUP BY
+            dh.view`
+        : queryType === 'drep'
+          ? `WITH LatestRegistration AS (
+            SELECT 
+                dr.drep_hash_id, 
+                tx_out.stake_address_id as stake_addr,
+                ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY dr.drep_hash_id ORDER BY dr.tx_id DESC) AS RegRowNum
+            FROM 
+                drep_registration AS dr
+            LEFT JOIN 
+                tx AS reg_tx ON dr.tx_id = reg_tx.id 
+            LEFT JOIN 
+                tx_out ON reg_tx.id = tx_out.tx_id
+            WHERE 
+                tx_out.stake_address_id IS NOT NULL
+        ),
+        DRepDelegations AS (
+            SELECT DISTINCT
+                dh.view AS original_drep_id,
+                COALESCE(delegated_dh.view, dh.view) AS drep_id
+            FROM 
+                drep_hash AS dh
+            LEFT JOIN 
+                LatestRegistration AS lr ON dh.id = lr.drep_hash_id AND lr.RegRowNum = 1
+            LEFT JOIN 
+                delegation_vote AS dv ON lr.stake_addr = dv.addr_id
+            LEFT JOIN 
+                drep_hash AS delegated_dh ON dv.drep_hash_id = delegated_dh.id
+            WHERE 
+                dh.view = $1
+        )
+        SELECT drep_id
+        FROM DRepDelegations`
+          : `SELECT 
+            dh.view AS drep_id
+        FROM 
+            tx_out AS txo
+        JOIN 
+            stake_address AS sa ON sa.id = txo.stake_address_id
+        JOIN
+            delegation_vote AS dv ON dv.addr_id = sa.id
+        JOIN 
+            drep_hash AS dh ON dh.id = dv.drep_hash_id
+        WHERE 
+            txo.address = $1
+            AND txo.consumed_by_tx_id IS NULL
+        GROUP BY
+            dh.view
+        `
+    }
+    voting_procedure vp
+    gov_action_proposal gap ON gap.id = vp.gov_action_proposal_id
+    drep_hash dh ON dh.id = vp.drep_voter
+    DelegatedDReps ddr ON dh.view = ddr.drep_id
diff --git a/backend/src/voter/voter.controller.ts b/backend/src/voter/voter.controller.ts
index 6705d1cf762c131e0793d280a8eeb52383a09207..c0dcbfa5fb1cf84d30fbfbd57dffda4b5c7c53e3 100644
--- a/backend/src/voter/voter.controller.ts
+++ b/backend/src/voter/voter.controller.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
-import { Controller, Get, Param } from '@nestjs/common';
+import {
+  Controller,
+  DefaultValuePipe,
+  Get,
+  Param,
+  ParseIntPipe,
+  Query,
+} from '@nestjs/common';
 import { VoterService } from './voter.service';
 export class VoterController {
   constructor(private readonly voterService: VoterService) {}
   //can either be a stakeKey, raw address hex or a drepid
@@ -14,4 +20,15 @@ export class VoterController {
   getAdaHolderCurrentDelegation(@Param('stakeKey') stakeKey: string) {
     return this.voterService.getAdaHolderCurrentDelegation(stakeKey);
+  //can either be a stakeKey, raw address hex or a drepid
+  @Get(':voterIdentity/governance-actions')
+  getGovActions(
+    @Param('voterIdentity') voterIdentity: string,
+    @Query('page', new DefaultValuePipe(1), ParseIntPipe)
+    page: number,
+    @Query('perPage', new DefaultValuePipe(6), ParseIntPipe)
+    perPage: number,
+  ) {
+    return this.voterService.getGovActions(voterIdentity, page, perPage);
+  }
diff --git a/backend/src/voter/voter.service.ts b/backend/src/voter/voter.service.ts
index 180244280750577d3699e2dfb69b03d15d700756..b50f6ec47fec2baaf423c9545b590eac4befe41f 100644
--- a/backend/src/voter/voter.service.ts
+++ b/backend/src/voter/voter.service.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
 import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
 import { InjectDataSource } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
-import { VoterData } from 'src/common/types';
-import { DrepService } from 'src/drep/drep.service';
+import { Delegation, VoterData } from 'src/common/types';
+import { getCurrentDelegationQuery } from 'src/queries/currentDelegation';
 import { getDrepAddrData } from 'src/queries/drepAddrData';
 import { getAddrDataQuery } from 'src/queries/getAddrData';
 import { getStakeKeyData } from 'src/queries/getStakeKeyData';
 import { getVoterDelegationHistory } from 'src/queries/getVoterDelegationHistory';
+import {
+  getVoterGovActionsCountQuery,
+  getVoterGovActionsQuery,
+} from 'src/queries/voterGovActions';
 import { DataSource } from 'typeorm';
@@ -48,39 +52,61 @@ export class VoterService {
-    return Array.isArray(voterData) ? {
-      ...voterData[0],
-      delegationHistory,
-      isDelegated: delegationHistory.length > 0,
-    } : null;
+    return Array.isArray(voterData)
+      ? {
+          ...voterData[0],
+          delegationHistory,
+          isDelegated: delegationHistory.length > 0,
+        }
+      : null;
-  async getAdaHolderCurrentDelegation(stakeKey: string) {
+  async getAdaHolderCurrentDelegation(stakeKey: string): Promise<Delegation> {
     const delegation = await this.cexplorerService.manager.query(
-      `SELECT
-          CASE
-              WHEN drep_hash.raw IS NULL THEN NULL
-              ELSE ENCODE(drep_hash.raw, 'hex')
-          END AS drep_raw,
-          drep_hash.view AS drep_view,
-          ENCODE(tx.hash, 'hex')
-      FROM
-          delegation_vote
-      JOIN
-          tx ON tx.id = delegation_vote.tx_id
-      JOIN
-          drep_hash ON drep_hash.id = delegation_vote.drep_hash_id
-      JOIN
-          stake_address ON stake_address.id = delegation_vote.addr_id
-      WHERE
-          stake_address.hash_raw = DECODE('${stakeKey}', 'hex')
-          AND NOT EXISTS (
-              SELECT *
-              FROM delegation_vote AS dv2
-              WHERE dv2.addr_id = delegation_vote.addr_id
-                AND dv2.tx_id > delegation_vote.tx_id
-          )
-      LIMIT 1;`,
+      getCurrentDelegationQuery,
+      [stakeKey],
     return delegation[0];
+  async getGovActions(
+    voterIdentity: string,
+    currentPage: number,
+    itemsPerPage: number,
+  ) {
+    const offset = (currentPage - 1) * itemsPerPage;
+    let queryType: 'stake' | 'drep' | 'wallet';
+    let param: string;
+    if (voterIdentity.startsWith('stake')) {
+      queryType = 'stake';
+      param = voterIdentity;
+    } else if (voterIdentity.startsWith('drep')) {
+      queryType = 'drep';
+      param = voterIdentity;
+    } else {
+      queryType = 'wallet';
+      param = voterIdentity;
+    }
+    const govActions = await this.cexplorerService.manager.query(
+      getVoterGovActionsQuery(queryType, itemsPerPage, offset),
+      [param],
+    );
+    const totalResults = await this.cexplorerService.manager.query(
+      getVoterGovActionsCountQuery(queryType),
+      [param],
+    );
+    const totalItems = parseInt(totalResults[0]?.total, 10);
+    const totalPages = Math.ceil(totalItems / itemsPerPage);
+    return {
+      data: govActions,
+      totalItems,
+      currentPage,
+      itemsPerPage,
+      totalPages,
+    };
+  }
diff --git a/frontend/src/app/[locale]/voters/[voterId]/impact/page.tsx b/frontend/src/app/[locale]/voters/[voterId]/impact/page.tsx
index 6b27186ca3bf167df9fe530757b72cc363deea55..9ac795b18554348f2d0ade344307da93a52096fa 100644
--- a/frontend/src/app/[locale]/voters/[voterId]/impact/page.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/app/[locale]/voters/[voterId]/impact/page.tsx
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
+'use client';
 import VoterImpact from '@/components/voters/VoterImpact';
 import React from 'react';
 const page = () => {
   return (
-    <div className='base_container mx-auto h-screen bg-white'>
-      <VoterImpact />
+    <div className="min-h-screen">
+      <div className="flex flex-col gap-3 bg-white px-6 py-4">
+        <VoterImpact />
+      </div>
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/atoms/DrepDelegatorCard.tsx b/frontend/src/components/atoms/DrepDelegatorCard.tsx
index 01735a59890d0816ab3d4a06efe3591eaf1d8d15..ac34c05c10c128957225a4d8beea727d0bc0d03c 100644
--- a/frontend/src/components/atoms/DrepDelegatorCard.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/components/atoms/DrepDelegatorCard.tsx
@@ -41,9 +41,17 @@ const DrepDelegatorCard = ({ item }: { item: DelegationData }) => {
       <p className="text-sm font-bold">
         {formatTotalStake(item?.total_stake, item?.added_power)} ₳
-      <p className="text-base">
-        {shortenAddress(item?.stake_address, addressLength)}
-      </p>
+      <Link
+        prefetch={false}
+        href={
+          item?.stake_address ? `/voters/${item?.stake_address}` : '#'
+        }
+        className="hover:font-medium"
+      >
+        <p className="text-base">
+          {shortenAddress(item?.stake_address, addressLength)}
+        </p>
+      </Link>
       <div className="flex w-full items-center justify-center">
         {!!item.previous_drep ? (
           isPreviousTargetDRep ? (
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/atoms/DrepVoteTimelineCard.tsx b/frontend/src/components/atoms/DrepVoteTimelineCard.tsx
index 83aaee0e5cc5cb3074f3b39e6d3f1832bd3281bc..6acffcab76ad81887eee1515895e7ea4b232d34f 100644
--- a/frontend/src/components/atoms/DrepVoteTimelineCard.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/components/atoms/DrepVoteTimelineCard.tsx
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ const DrepVoteTimelineCard = ({ item }: { item: any }) => {
   return (
-      className="flex max-w-md flex-col gap-3 rounded-xl bg-white p-3 shadow-lg"
+      className="flex w-full flex-col gap-3 rounded-xl bg-white p-3 shadow-lg"
       <VoteStatusChip date={item.time_voted} />
       <hr />
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/voters/VoterDashboardTabs.tsx b/frontend/src/components/voters/VoterDashboardTabs.tsx
index c401077fe7e80e38a31d9795102aa4b22929af1d..b66ee8ee96dc665a166f332439d2be446713c8d1 100644
--- a/frontend/src/components/voters/VoterDashboardTabs.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/components/voters/VoterDashboardTabs.tsx
@@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
 import { Tab, Tabs } from '@mui/material';
-import { useParams, useRouter } from 'next/navigation';
-import React, { useState } from 'react';
+import { useParams, usePathname, useRouter } from 'next/navigation';
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
 const VoterDashboardTabs = () => {
   const { voterId } = useParams();
   const router = useRouter();
+  const pathname = usePathname();
   const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = useState(0);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    if (pathname.includes('impact')) setActiveTab(1);
+  }, []);
   const handleChange = (event: React.SyntheticEvent, newValue: number) => {
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/voters/VoterImpact.tsx b/frontend/src/components/voters/VoterImpact.tsx
index 190c3b33e991eac1773223c5492ce77989d670d4..abc88e786a325082ca2f8f33e8c2453095d2c984 100644
--- a/frontend/src/components/voters/VoterImpact.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/components/voters/VoterImpact.tsx
@@ -1,11 +1,104 @@
-import { Typography } from '@mui/material';
-import React from 'react';
+import { useGetVoterGovActionsQuery } from '@/hooks/useGetVoterGovActions';
+import { Box, Paper, Typography } from '@mui/material';
+import { useParams, useSearchParams } from 'next/navigation';
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
+import DrepVoteTimelineCard from '../atoms/DrepVoteTimelineCard';
+import GovActionLoader from '../Loaders/GovActionLoader';
+import { Address } from '@emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-asmjs';
+import Pagination from '../molecules/Pagination';
 const VoterImpact = () => {
+  const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = useState(1);
+  const { voterId } = useParams();
+  const searchParams = useSearchParams();
+  useEffect(() => {
+    setCurrentPage(Number(searchParams.get('page') || 1));
+  }, [searchParams]);
+  const convertAddressToBech32 = (address: string) => {
+    if (
+      address.includes('addr') ||
+      address.includes('stake') ||
+      address.includes('drep')
+    ) {
+      return address;
+    } else return Address.from_bytes(Buffer.from(address, 'hex')).to_bech32();
+  };
+  const { voterGovActions, isVoterGovActionsLoading } =
+    useGetVoterGovActionsQuery(convertAddressToBech32(voterId as string), currentPage);
   return (
-    <div>
-      <Typography variant="h1">Coming Soon</Typography>
-    </div>
+    <Box className="flex flex-col gap-6">
+      <Typography variant="h4" fontWeight="bold">
+        Your DReps' Governance Contributions{' '}
+      </Typography>
+      <Typography className="px-2 leading-relaxed">
+        This page displays all governance actions that have been voted on by
+        DReps (Delegate Representatives) you have delegated to. It includes
+        votes from DReps you've directly delegated to, as well as any predefined
+        DRep options you may have selected. This comprehensive view helps you
+        stay informed about how your chosen representatives are participating in
+        the decision-making process.
+      </Typography>
+      {isVoterGovActionsLoading && (
+        <ul
+          role="list"
+          className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-6 border-t border-green-400 py-6 lg:grid-cols-2 xl:grid-cols-3"
+        >
+          {Array.from({ length: 6 }).map((_, index) => (
+            <li key={index}>
+              <GovActionLoader />
+            </li>
+          ))}
+        </ul>
+      )}
+      {!isVoterGovActionsLoading && voterGovActions?.data.length === 0 && (
+        <Box sx={{ py: 3 }}>
+          <Paper
+            elevation={2}
+            sx={{
+              p: 3,
+              display: 'flex',
+              justifyContent: 'center',
+              alignItems: 'center',
+              height: 200,
+            }}
+          >
+            <Typography variant="body1" color="text.secondary">
+              Your DRep(s) have not yet voted on governance actions.
+            </Typography>
+          </Paper>
+        </Box>
+      )}
+      {!isVoterGovActionsLoading && voterGovActions?.data.length > 0 && (
+        <ul
+          role="list"
+          className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-6 border-t border-green-400 py-6 lg:grid-cols-2 xl:grid-cols-3"
+        >
+          {voterGovActions &&
+            voterGovActions?.data.length > 0 &&
+            voterGovActions?.data.map((action) => (
+              <li key={action?.vote_tx_hash}>
+                <DrepVoteTimelineCard item={action} />
+              </li>
+            ))}
+        </ul>
+      )}
+      {!isVoterGovActionsLoading &&
+        voterGovActions?.data &&
+        voterGovActions?.data.length > 0 && (
+          <Box className="flex justify-end">
+            <Pagination
+              currentPage={voterGovActions.currentPage}
+              totalPages={voterGovActions.totalPages}
+              totalItems={voterGovActions.totalItems}
+              dataType="Governance Actions"
+            />
+          </Box>
+        )}
+    </Box>
diff --git a/frontend/src/constants/queryKeys.ts b/frontend/src/constants/queryKeys.ts
index bbb43fbc021687fd36d74c557645636763b64ab4..8a63ff82847dc3dcb26d28e8b16bf26bcc7012ab 100644
--- a/frontend/src/constants/queryKeys.ts
+++ b/frontend/src/constants/queryKeys.ts
@@ -6,5 +6,6 @@ export const QUERY_KEYS = {
   getAllDRepsKey: 'getAllDRepsKey',
   getDRepStatsKey: 'getDRepStatsKey',
   getDRepTimelineKey: 'getDRepTimelineKey',
-  getDrepDelegators: 'getDrepDelegators'
+  getDrepDelegators: 'getDrepDelegators',
+  getVoterGovActions: 'getVoterGovActions'
diff --git a/frontend/src/hooks/useGetVoterGovActions.ts b/frontend/src/hooks/useGetVoterGovActions.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9ab4fedc5bd7ec9ef47ae6e6b6903335f1dbfdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/hooks/useGetVoterGovActions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import { useQuery } from 'react-query';
+import { getVoterGovActions } from '@/services/requests/getVoterGovActions';
+import { QUERY_KEYS } from '@/constants/queryKeys';
+import { VoterGovActions } from '../../types/api';
+export const useGetVoterGovActionsQuery = (voterIdentity: string, page?: number,) => {
+  const { data, isLoading } = useQuery<VoterGovActions>({
+    queryKey: [QUERY_KEYS.getVoterGovActions, voterIdentity, page],
+    queryFn: async () => await getVoterGovActions(voterIdentity, page),
+    enabled: !!voterIdentity,
+    refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
+  });
+  return { voterGovActions: data, isVoterGovActionsLoading: isLoading };
diff --git a/frontend/src/services/requests/getVoterGovActions.ts b/frontend/src/services/requests/getVoterGovActions.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f209a115830f419454896b8d8cbf8ced1278f19d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/services/requests/getVoterGovActions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import axiosInstance from '../axiosInstance';
+export const getVoterGovActions = async (
+  voterIdentity: string,
+  page?: number,
+) => {
+  const response = await axiosInstance.get(
+    `/voters/${voterIdentity}/governance-actions`,
+    {
+      params: { page },
+    },
+  );
+  return response.data;
diff --git a/frontend/types/api.ts b/frontend/types/api.ts
index 52c761ba67a7de1b870705899ec42ddf0eb757a7..5ed6810a941efe55a68c5972f657304f0e0834ad 100644
--- a/frontend/types/api.ts
+++ b/frontend/types/api.ts
@@ -18,6 +18,27 @@ export type Delegators = {
   totalPages: number;
+export type GovAction = {
+  gov_action_proposal_id: string | null;
+  type: string | null;
+  description: {};
+  vote: string | null;
+  url: string | null;
+  metadata: string | null;
+  epoch_no: number | null;
+  time_voted: string | null;
+  vote_tx_hash: string | null;
+  drep_id: string | null;
+export type VoterGovActions = {
+  data: GovAction[];
+  totalItems: number;
+  currentPage: number;
+  itemsPerPage: number;
+  totalPages: number;
 export type SingleDRep = {
   drep_deletedAt?: string | null;
   drep_id?: number | null;
@@ -80,11 +101,11 @@ export type DelegationData = {
   total_stake: string;
   added_power: boolean;
-export interface VoterData{
+export interface VoterData {
   address: string;
   total_value: number;
   drep_id: string;
   stake_address: string;
   delegationHistory: any[];
   isDelegated: boolean;
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